09 455 80 86
Chilli con carne in a metal cup

Chilli con carne in a metal cup

Hinnat kuvalle

alk. 20 €

editorial (book, digital media, magazine, newspaper, television jne.) alk. 20 €
commercial (electronic, outdoor, print, social media, television jne.) alk. 100 €
consumer product (calendar, greeting, post card, packaging jne.) alk. 100 €

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Series Icon Tämä kuva on osa sarjaa

Pulled pork sandwich and potato wedges
Linen cloths and a label with the words 'slow cooker' written on it
Apple puree
Chilli con carne in a metal cup
A label with the words 'slow cooking' written on it in a bowl
Bread pudding with ice cream
A portion of lasagne
Chicken wings made in a slow cooker
Rice dessert with raisins
Apple puree
Pulled pork sandwich
A label with the words 'be inspired' written on it in a bowl
Pulled pork sandwich
Pulled pork sandwich and potato wedges

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Saatavuus: 1-2 arkipäivää Englanti UK sekä muille kielille
Hinta: alk. 19 €
Ota yhteyttä: 09 455 80 86 tai

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Slow and Simple
© Feature by Eising Studio – Food Photo & Video | 66 Images & Text

Make the most of a slow cooker and you can come home from work to the delicious smell of a meaty stew or chilli con carne. But that's not all these miracle machines can do. Did you know you can also make all kinds of desserts, including cheesecake and rice pudding, while baked dishes like shepherd's pie and lasagne are also a dream to prepare? Expand your culinary horizons, but take it slowly!

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Image Professionals ArtShop-verkkokauppaan
Kuva ID:11056743
Kuvateksti:Chilli con carne in a metal cup
Kuvaaja:StockFood / Eising Studio - Food Photo & Video
Kuvakoko:3620 px x 4827 px