09 455 80 86
Oysters Rockefeller and two cocktails (Tom Collins, and an Old Fashioned made with tequila)

Oysters Rockefeller and two cocktails (Tom Collins, and an Old Fashioned made with tequila)

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alk. 20 €

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Paraphernalia and ingredients for making classic cocktails
Oysters Rockefeller and two cocktails (Tom Collins, and an Old Fashioned made with tequila)
Pumpernickel with Wagyu beef fillet and pickled cabbage
Mini mozzarella balls wrapped in ham, devilled eggs and a Manhattan
A Roquefort dip with caramelised onions and walnuts, celery and a cocktail
Herb sandwiches with caviar and a Gibson cocktail

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Saatavuus: 1-2 arkipäivää Englanti UK sekä muille kielille
Hinta: alk. 19 €
Ota yhteyttä: 09 455 80 86 tai

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Mixed Doubles
© Feature by Are Media | 7 Images & Text

All you need to make a cocktail party go with a swing - think Great Gatsby! These drinks and accompanying nibbles are truly the height of sophistication. Learn about the origins of classic mixes as well as the best way to make them, and which goes best with what. Chin chin!

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Kuva ID:11057152
Kuvateksti:Oysters Rockefeller and two cocktails (Tom Collins, and an Old Fashioned made with tequila)
Kuvaaja:StockFood / Are Media / Are Media
Kuvakoko:3620 px x 4828 px
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