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Woman holding wooden box with colourful tomatoes

Woman holding wooden box with colourful tomatoes

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alk. 20 €

editorial (book, digital media, magazine, newspaper, television jne.) alk. 20 €
commercial (electronic, outdoor, print, social media, television jne.) alk. 100 €
consumer product (calendar, greeting, post card, packaging jne.) alk. 100 €

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Woman holding wooden box with colourful tomatoes
Tomato dip with toasted bread
Bruschetta with tomatoes and garlic
Tomato tart with figs, mozzarella and balsamic reduction
Woman holding wooden box with colorful tomatoes

Tämä kuva on osa artikkelia

Abundant Tomatoes
© Feature by Samsø, Lene | 27 Images & Text

Tomatoes are always a favorite to plant in your garden. But what do you do with all of them when they are ripe? Sure, you can preserve them, but don’t you want to enjoy them right away? All you need is exciting new recipes to help you enjoy them while they are ripe for the picking.

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Image Professionals ArtShop-verkkokauppaan
Kuva ID:13240500
Kuvateksti:Woman holding wooden box with colourful tomatoes
Kuvaaja:StockFood / House of Pictures / Samsø, Lene
Kuvakoko:5120 px x 3413 px
Rajoitukset: clearance required for all uses
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